The ABLE Act Webinar – Featuring STABLE - Ohio’s ABLE Act Program

The ABLE Act – Featuring STABLE - Ohio’s ABLE Act Program

Time: May 10, 2016 11:30 AM – 1 PM PDT

To register – go to

Join Juliana Crist, the STABLE Account Director under the Office of Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel, and a panel of advocates from three leading organizations to learn about this new tool and its many uses. See to learn more about STABLE Accounts.

Speaker Panel

Juliana Crist– STABLE Account Director in the Office of Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel. STABLE is Ohio’s ABLE Act Program which will be the first ABLE Act program available in the country. STABLE is currently testing its system and is expected to be available in all states soon.

Bryon MacDonald– With WID, the World Institute on Disability. Bryon is Program Director for the DB101 website ( which provides persons with disabilities, families, and advocates tools and information on health coverage, benefits, and employment.

Tony Anderson– Executive Director of the Arc of California and on the board of the Arc of the US. In addition, Tony leads the Lanterman Coalition which focus on the need for sustainable funding for persons with I/DD.

Mary Eble– Executive Director of the North Bay Housing Coalition and the Golden State Pooled Trust. The North Bay Housing Coalition focuses on the need for sustainable Housing for persons with disabilities.

Stephen W. Dale– Trustee of the Golden State Pooled Trust and author of the Achieving Independence Guide. Stephen and his team also maintain a YouTube channel with over 190 hours of education on all different issues concerning providing quality of life for persons with disabilities.


Because of the expected volume of attendees and questions, we ask that if you have a question that you would like answered please email your questions to and we will forward it to the panel.

For more information about ABLE accounts, see DB101's Building Your Assets and Wealth article.