Apply for SDI online! |
February 27, 2013 Effective March 1, 2013, applicants for State Disability Insurance (SDI) need to apply online or by using the new Claim for Disability Benefits (form DE 2501 revision 78). You can also use the online system to apply for Paid Family Leave (PFL). California’s Employment Development Department created the online application for SDI and PFL because it is easier and faster than the old paper applications. You can submit your information from your home and check the status of your application online in order to see how it is proceeding. It is simply the quickest and most effective way to apply for these programs. If you still wish to apply for SDI using a paper form, make sure to use the new version of this form, which you can request EDD send to you. Click here to read more about the new SDI application. |
Ayuda experta
SSI, SSDI, y el trabajo:
Llame a Disability Rights California
1-800-776-5746 -
Llame al Programa del Boleto para Trabajar
1-866-968-7842 - Contacte a un/a consultor/a de incentivos de trabajo (WIPA)
- Contacte a su agencia de servicios sociales del condado
Llame a Disability Rights California
1-800-776-5746 -
Llame a la Health Consumer Alliance
Llame a Medicare
1-800-633-4227 -
Llame al Programa de Asesoramiento y Defensa sobre Seguros Médicos (HICAP)
California SDI
Preparación para trabajar
- Contacte a su oficina del Departamento de Rehabilitación (DOR)
- Contacte a su centro de trabajo AJCC (One-Stop)