The Veterans Benefits Online Tools Project at WID

The California Work Incentives Initiative at WID spent last fall working with six national veterans and disability organizations to produce a Veterans’ Benefits Online Tools Findings Report.

WID is very proud to share that we are using this report to start the planning to build a national online benefits tools and information services web site, so veterans can better navigate benefit programs and secure available employment as they transition to civilian life.

The report is the product of the principal partners who produce Disability Benefits 101 Information Services in California and other states. Known as the DB101 Core Team, these partners are ECONorthwest, Eightfold Way Consultants and the World Institute on Disability.

The DB101 Core Team is most indebted to six national veterans’ and disability organizations whose experts joined us in a series of six two-hour teleconferences this past fall. The objective of the six calls was to assess how U.S. veterans obtain benefits information, and how veterans learn about benefit programs as they plan for paid work. Our expert panelists’ diverse practical and technical knowledge informs this report’s findings. Funding from the California Health Incentives Improvement Project made this consensus findings report possible. For more information please contact Bryon MacDonald 1-510-225-6304